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Trento VarTalent 18 – Josip Grabovac

New experience of fashion journalist Camera Nazionale Della Moda Italiana. Marco Consoli, director of Trentino VarTalent 18 (the global youth song contest) invited fashion blogger  Josip Grabovac to be a second member of the jury of the semifinals and finals.

– It was a great honor to be a very important member, but it is also very difficult to judge young talents (there was tears and sorrows) but competition is a competition. It’s all harder to fall because the 16 best riders and everyone in their own way were equally good. The first place was taken by Sara Geier, the second by Marija Ermolaeva from Russia.

Apart from choosing the best vocalist, Josip also chose the best-dressed female and male. Great experience for him in Trent. What matters is that it remains as a member of the VarTalento group and is the newest member of Marco Consoli who is preparing a new global project planned to be presented for 6 months. Enjoy in photos direct from the VarTalent show.


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