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Fashionmag42 interview: Julia Gorovaya

FM42:Could you tell us about your background? For example, when did you first know you wanted to become an actress?
This is a good question: when did I decide to become an actress? I guess I always have been. I opened my mother’s wardrobe which was my dressing room like in the theater and turned into different characters.
I organized family performances at home, sang, and read poetry.

I’ve been in the theater as an actress since I was 12 years old. Children’s theater studio, then a university in St. Petersburg, then GITIS (Russian Institute of Theatre Arts) in Moscow. Then I worked at the Mikhail Chekhov Center (the great Russian actor and teacher) under the direction of Vladimir Baicher. This is the best time, I am grateful for every minute of rehearsals and performances!

Photo from “No Exit” by Tamara Gorbenko

FM42: Do you prefer acting for film or TV?
Cinema is a completely different matter, another profession, I would say.
Being an actress in films and TV series takes a lot of endurance first of all. You also need to have strong skills and a lot of acting tools in your arsenal.

I played main characters with difficult fates, femme fatales, and even murderers in TV series. My favorite roles are the tricky ones, like when the sweet accountant turns into a revenge-obsessed maniac. There is something to play with, as they say. I also have short festival films on my record, though of course, I dream of a full-length feature film. But I dream actively: I constantly train and research different acting techniques.

In Belgrade, I joined The International Actors Studio for this purpose. I was captivated by their approach to the work of an actor on camera! I’m talking about brilliant teachers: Adam Davenport, Joseph Alberty, Genoa Davidson, etc.

FM42: We saw you at a JSFF workshop with Peter Webber tv & film producer and director. Please tell me more about your experience?
As part of the JSFF, I was lucky enough to participate in a workshop with director Peter Webber.
That day I felt terribly bad, I just lay exhausted, but an inner voice told me: “You should be there.” I pulled myself together and went to meet one of my favorite directors.

I was delighted with his lecture, and when Peter finished it and started to hand out the texts to the audience, I thought I would watch how others work, which would also be good. And then Peter suddenly came up to me and said: “I need you, pick the text and partner.”

The text he gave me consisted of a set of replicas of two characters without names and in a vague situation. We were supposed to come up with a story: what’s happening? Where are these people? etc. And we had only 15 minutes.
My partner and I even managed to learn the text in this short period!
For me, this was a serious test of my skills. You are an actress, go and work!

It turned out great, especially after Peter suggested the directors who also participated in the JSSF workshop make additions. Mimi Vlaovic worked with us.

FM42: Any plains for the future?
Plans for the near future include the international theater project “No Exit” based on the play by Jean-Paul Sartre. I will play the role of Estelle. The play will be performed in English. Director Victoria Klipova assembled a team of Serbian and Russian professionals. For instance, well-known actor Ivan Perkovič; artist and costume designer Evgeny Kreshchensky.

As a director, Viktoriya has a lot of experience, also in international projects. I’m in love with her energy and style! We made a teaser for this performance, so you will see it soon.

We have already started work; this is complex, deep material, an exploration of the human soul, a kind of confession. Mikhail Chekhov had a dream about an ideal actor of the future, who will be also a philosopher.

I noticed that Belgrade is a very theatrical city, people here love theater. It is important! After all, the audience is to the same extent participant in the performance, they also create the theater and see this dream in reality. I am sure that Belgrade has a talented audience and together we will create something wonderful!

Foto: Una Bojić

FM42: Message for Fashionmag42 readers.
Listen to your inner voice, intuition, call it whatever you want, just don’t betray yourself and your true desires, follow the creative impulse! Go forward and never give up!

Photo from “No Exit”: by Tamara Gorbenko.
Make up: Ekaterina Terski.
Photos without costum: Una Bojič.


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