Isabella Rakonić modna blogerka iz Zagreba

Isabella, kada ste odlučili da napravite The Pile of Style blog? Blog sam napravila na ljeto 2011. godine, kada su me prijatelji savjetovali da otvorim svoju stranicu gdje bih sabirala svoje fotografije outfita i lifestyla kojih je i prije bilo dosta. Dvoumila sam se izmedju tumblr-a i bloga, i na kraju je prevagnuo blog. Koliko […]

FIND NIKKIE brand at the “THE GALLERY” ZURICH NIKKIE has been shaking up the European fashion industry with her feminine, sexy, elegant and cool designs. The label, founded in 2011 by Dutch celebrity Nikkie Plessen, is one of the fastest growing Dutch fashion brands. Based out of Amsterdam NIKKIE has showrooms across Europe and Asia […]
The most Innovative, ground-breaking Film Music Competition returns for its 3rd consecutive edition!

OTICONS FACULTY INTERNATIONAL FILM MUSIC COMPETITION The most Innovative, ground-breaking Film Music Competition returns for its 3rd consecutive edition! The one and only film music competition that aims to become a game-changer in the industry by discovering, nurturing and cultivating film composing talents with a unique voice, is back again! Oscar-winning composers, acclaimed film professionals, […]