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FashionMag42 proudly presents two great artists Kerstin Carolin Beyer and José Parra Moreno

FashionMag42 proudly presents two great artists Kerstin Carolin Beyer (KCB) and José Parra Moreno (JPM). Recently Kerstin and Jose had an amassing exhibition in Peyer Fine Art gallery in the heart of Zurich city. My great friend Goran Bogdanovic- the artist introduce me with their extraordinary work.

Why art ?

KCB: ART is salt and sugar of life. ART excites and relaxes your soul. ART refreshes and opens up your mind. Being artist I enjoy, I struggle, I force myself and in many cases I feel fulfilled.

JPM: For me art is to talk in a language that I don’t understand but others do. It’s my way to express myself, to explain myself. I have no other way. That’s because…art.

What art do you most identify with ?

KCB: Since my childhood I always produced big size, powerful paintings. I identify myself with painted art and collage, not that much with drawings, although especially in our Zürich exposition I did first steps in this area as well.

JPM: With comic drawers of the 20th century.

How planned are your compositions ?

KCB: This is very different from painting to painting. Some of them I have completely in mind when I start, others need some experimental work before, and others change a lot in the process of painting and I just let go.

JPM: Exists the “will to be !” of the art work. I try to hear my work and let things happen as that “will” outside of myself. I let art work exist as it wants to. I’m only an instrument.

Do you work on more than on painting at once ?

KCB: Oh yes, I often work on several paintings at the time. As I organized my working space right in the centre of my house I leave a not-yet-finished work there to pass by many times a day until I have a very clear idea of how to go on. On the other hand there are paintings which I finish straight ahead.

JPM: I don’t use to do that. When I stop a work it’s really difficult for me starting over.

What inspires you outside of other art ?

KCB: Everything that surrounds me. As I live in a very green area and I love nature obviously it inspires me a lot. But as well the books I read, the streets I pass, people I meet, cities I cross, journeys I do, other cultures, my now adult children…

JPM: Literature, Comics, Movies. I realize these three are the same thing = stories.

What are some influences which always have been part of your career ?

KCB: My mother who was an art teacher with all the art work which always surrounded us and people who always try to improve anywhere in the world.

JPM: Classic drawing. Academia. And always Velazquez.

What do you like/dislike about your work ?

KCB: Well, I just like it ! As long as I can keep my artistic freedom, try new approaches and don’t have to produce what’s not mine. A like/dislike at the time are my working hours. I have to start by myself and I have to find the point to stop as well.

JPM: I like the constantly change. I dislike when it’s so “tight”, not free.

You had a great exhibition in the heart of Zürich in Peyer Fine Art Gallery. Tell us about your impressions.

KCB: We really had a great, very creative and productive time in Zürich. People showed lots of interest, I loved to explain, discuss, talk about my work and art in general and learned a lot.

JPM: I have learned a lot from people who came to see my work and gave me their point of view. I really opened my mind. I learn from people.

What’s next for you ?

KCB: The Zürich exhibition was a very good work experience as a team with Jose. This is why we go on planning work together, for example an exhibition in Florida in spring and the participation in Hamburg’s Affordable Art Fair in November. A part from this I’ll be part of a collective exhibition in January/February 2016 close to Madrid. In September next year I’ll have an exhibition in Toledo, Spain, and from 17/02 – 25/03 I will exhibit the Katz&Bach Gallery from Kurt Richter in Berlin.

JPM: I am working on an exhibition in Florida (USA) in spring and maybe in Hamburg next November.



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