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In a first for Mode Suisse, Edition 16 commenced with an open-air runway show at the Allgemeine Berufsschule Zürich (ABZ), comprising yet another line-up of promising designers.

Shortly before the show, esteemed guests: Thibaud Guyonnet (Voo Berlin), Sabina Hanselmann-Diethelm (Bolero/Style), Alexis Schwarzenbach (Zürcherische Seidenindustrie Gesellschaft), Raoul Keil (Schön! Magazine), Filip Niedenthal (Vogue Poland), artists Lea Lu and Richard Dorfmeister were gathered at the cultured photo wall which was created as part of a campaign in collaboration with ECAL/Ecole Cantonale d’Art de Lausanne.

Opening the show, Julia Heuer (Stuttgart) added a new meaning to the word Superbloom. Bringing a blast of vibrancy to the night’s proceedings, Mourjjan (Zurich, Mykonos, Beirut) fittingly named their SS20 collection Circus of Life. Forbidden Denimeries‘ (Geneva) sensuous designs were inspired by their exploration of the simplicity of the co-existence of the masculine and feminine; while HEAD – Geneve‘s students (Ania Marincek & Lora Sonney), as well as representatives of the Institute of Fashion Design from the HGK FHNW (Basel), unveiled powerful debut collections.

In an exciting development, Maurice Lacroix, partnering with Mode Suisse, will be supporting a young emerging designer from each edition from now on. After Work Studio (Basel) wowed the audience with the strength of their dynamic patterns perfectly off-setting the iconic Maurice Lacroix AIKON timepieces.

For Jacqueline Loekito (Basel), Picasso’s Acrobat and Young Harlequin was the inspiration for her work placing emphasis on “the liberation of sexes and combatted heteronormative prejudices”. Nina Yuun (Basel), partnering with Swiss-Korean jewellery brand Hana Kim (Zurich), explored her fascination with the meaning of Heimat (Homeland) in today’s society. “Will spring come for me too?” was the question on Amorphose’s (Lugano) runway; their collection centered on exquisitely handcrafted sculptural showpieces inspired by the mental and physical metamorphosis of a young woman.

As powerful finales go, a capsule collection MADE VISIBLE® x ArchivesTM (the young designer collective: Tiffanie Bellenot, Justin Person, Victor Prieux from Geneva), enthralled the audience with its hi-vis pieces that lit up the ramp as the dark night drew in; spectacularly driving the trend for stylish visibility in road traffic further forward.

Among the international models walking the Mode Suisse runway were: Swiss-international model Nadine Strittmatter, model-entrepreneur Diana Gaertner and German starlet Toni Dreher-Adenuga  – all styled by Charles Aellen and his team in co-operation with Dyson and make-up partner MAC Cosmetics. Following the show, guests headed for the after-party to Photobastei, Zurich to cap an evening’s exciting entertainment.

On Sunday, 1 September, the sixth TALKS/workshops series, Swiss and International Supporting Structures and Organisations for Independent Fashion Designers, was hosted by Swiss designer Lela Scherrer including panelists: Alexandra Pisco (Pisco & Co.), Camille Boyer (Austrian Fashion Association, AFA) and Elke Ttimmermann (MAD Brussels). The fifth Unisex Le Shirt– Les Archives au Goût du Jour ZSIG, by Lilla Wicki (Monochrome Studio) was launched at the new Mode Suisse pop-up boutique at the Landesmuseum Zürich, and is also available at and via To close Mode Suisse’ fashion weekend, there was an exclusive presentation by Julian Zigerli at the Greulich Design & Lifestyle Hotel.

September will see Mode Suisse head to New York Fashion Week: Swiss Touch Presents: Mode Suisse at New York Fashion Week; to Paris Fashion Week DACH Showroom, and in November Mode Suisse returns to Geneva as part of the HEAD Fashion Show supporting programme.

Mode Suisse would like to thank the partners: Engagement Migros, The Zurich Silk Association ZSIG, the Hulda and Gustav Zumsteg Foundation, the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia, edition partner MADE VISIBLE®, automobile partner Mercedes-Benz Schweiz, and new watch partner Maurice Lacroix for their generosity. Finally, we would also like to thank hair partners Dyson and Charles Aellen Company as well as MAC Cosmetics for their strong support.


9  September 2019:  Swiss Touch Presents: Mode Suisse at New York Fashion Week, NEW YORK

27 – 30 September 2019:  DACH Showroom, PARIS

8 – 9 November 2019 : Special events Mode Suisse, GENEVA

For all the latest Mode Suisse news visit:,  Instagram @modesuisse, Facebook @ModeSuisseOfficial: #ModeSuisse16 #ModeSuisse  @engagementmigros #ZurichSilkAssociationZSIG #HuldaGustavZumstegFoundation @prohelvetia @designswitzerland

Amorphose / ModeSuisse /edition16 / ©alexander palacios
Dition16 / ModeSuisse / ©alexanderpalacio
HEAD / Mode Suisse / Edition16 / ©alexanderpalacios
HGK FHNW / Mode Suisse / edition16 / ©alexanderpalacios
Jacqueline loekito / ModeSuisse / Edition16 / ©alexanderpalacios
Julia Heuer / Modesuisse / Edition16 / ©alexanderpalacios
Madevisiblexarchives / ModeSuisse /edition16 / © alexander_palacios
6 / ModeSuisse / ©alexander_palacios
Nina Yuun / ModeSuisse_edition16 / ©alexander_palacios
Currently Wearing Myriam Henderson by Tino Konino


FACES Team by Tino Konino
ABZ Team by Tino Konino
Hildegard Schwanninger, Adriana Tripa 2 by Tino Konino
Fausto Colombo 2 by Tino Konino
Malena Ruder, Jürg Sturzenegger, Sara Allemann by Tino Konino
Fotografen Paar Karin und Oliver by Tino Konino
Nina Yuun, Raphael Kunz by Tino Konino
Nadine Strittmatter by Tino Konino
Sprinterin Sarah Atcho by Tino Konino
Yannick Aellen by Tino Konino
Alexandre Lanz by Tino Konino
Camille Boyer AFS, Alexandra Pisco by Tino Konino
Claudia Desax Opia by Tino Konino
Gerold Brenner by Tino Konino
Daryl von Däniken Sabrina Pesenti by Tino Konino
Rey Ro� Karen Fleischmann by Tino Konino
Cheong Kwon by Tino Konino


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