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In a first for Mode Suisse, Edition 16 commenced with an open-air runway show at the Allgemeine Berufsschule Zürich (ABZ), comprising yet another line-up of promising designers. Shortly before the show, esteemed guests: Thibaud Guyonnet (Voo Berlin), Sabina Hanselmann-Diethelm (Bolero/Style), Alexis Schwarzenbach (Zürcherische Seidenindustrie Gesellschaft), Raoul Keil (Schön! Magazine), Filip Niedenthal (Vogue Poland), artists Lea Lu and […]

Few moments with Tim Roth

The conversation was held at the Masterclass of 25th Sarajevo Film Festival in Sarajevo. British actor Tim Roth received Honorary Heart Of Sarajevo latter this evening. FM42:  Which role to you means a lot during your acting carrier? Tim Roth: I think there are two sections as the lifestyle I have doing this ridiculous job. […]

“GENERALI 24 sata ELEGANCIJE 2019 by Jaguar” 6-8. septembar, Beograd

Beograd će imati priliku da po 9. put bude domaćin prestižne manifestacije „24 sata Elegancije – Concours d’Elegance & Salon of Excellence” pod pokroviteljstvom GENERALI Osiguranja Srbija. Trodnevni spektakl, posvećen kulturi klasičnih automobila, rafiniranosti i vrhunskom kvalitetu, održaće se od 6. do 8. septembra, u partnerstvu sa Belgrade Waterfront i Jaguar-om, Srpskim Savezom za Istorijska […]