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Josip Grabovac – A jury member at international Open Call photo competition “First Date”

FM42: Josip, what is it like to be on the jury for the open call competition “First Date”?
It’s not so strange to me, I’ve gotten used to being in different types of concerts and even musical ones through my long career.

FM42: You have been in business for a very long time, how important was support to you at the very beginning?

Support was very important to me, unfortunately I didn’t have it from anyone. When I was very young, I left the country I came from. Fear was the main role in my days, but here I am where I am today.

FM42: Even though the holidays are in full swing, you work hard. What awaits you in the coming period?
Even if the work I do is stressful, I travel a lot, from one city to another, from one country to another, it’s sometimes a vacation for me. Yes, I am working very hard, in addition to everything, I am preparing for the Sarajevo Film Festival, which will also be my first from my native country, which I left 18 years ago.

FM42: What advice would you give to our “First Date” contest participants?
I don’t like to share advice, but I certainly want to say that everything you want in life, you can dream about it and achieve it.


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