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International premiere “No exit” Sartre

«No exit « is a philosophical play by Jean-Paul Sartre that reflects on making choices and the burden of responsibility for it, also it asks what determines our understanding of ourselves – the opinions of others or our feelings.
We see the characters – journalist Garcin, aristocrat Estelle and postal clerk Inez – in a mysterious room. What binds them together? How did they end up here?! And why is the only door locked?
The smoke of inaccuracies disappears over time, but it doesn’t make it any easier, as we are gone into the world of a psychological thriller, where the line between god and evil, life and death is blurred. Moreover,  we are sucked into a new space that fills or consumes us – a question that everyone should answer for themselves.
The play takes place in English in a multimedia space, where news, which are contradictory to each other and to themselves, is spreading its agenda from different channels. The characters are not only asked to define their lives through someone else’s eyes, but also the general pressurizing background constantly changes the focus.
The international team headed by director Viktoria Klipova, who has made more than 20 projects in 4 countries and received laurels at festivals in Canada, UK and Russia, will frankly discuss philosophical, geopolitical and psychological issues in the performance «No exit».
The performance will be in English.
 Thursday, 29th of February, 8:00 PM
 Art Space “Kvaka 22”, Roosevelt 39, Belgrade
 First 3 rows – 3000 rsd, all others – 1500 rsd
Tickets can be purchased in cash on site before the performance. Guests can choose their seats freely in the auditorium. Please arrive early to take this into account.
Ticket reservations can be made on TimePad the project’s Instagram page.
Designer poster: Maria Breus


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