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FashionMag42 proudly presents Swiss actress Sabine Fehr

FashionMag42 proudly presents Swiss actress Sabine Fehr in collaboration with Nardou Couture.

Sabine, how did you start your acting career?
As a little girl I loved wearing costumes and learning long poems by heart. I did my own version of Snow white in our living room, I played the main role, directed the play and made the costumes. At college there was a Theatre workshop which my father encouraged me to sign up for. After graduation I applied for three different Theatre Schools and was accepted in Bern.

You were at Circle in the Square Theatre School, New York. How was living and studying in the USA?
I had to realize that Bern wasn`t the right place for me. Together with my boyfriend, who is still my partner and father of our two wonderful daughters, I went to New York for vacation. From the moment I set my foot on Manhattan, I knew that I had to study there! I auditioned for Circle in the Square Theatre School and was accepted. It was a very inspiring time, the City, the rhythm, my teachers and fellow students: I felt energized, happy and free!

Describe to us one working day?
My working days are almost never the same. Once a week I teach a theatre workshop in Zurich: working with young people is a lot of fun!
As an actress I work with `Theaterfalle Basel`. We do `Forum Theatre`, that`s an interactive kind of theatre, where the audience can take part. We perform for Schools, Hospitals and other Institutions, against violence, mobbing and disrespect, for more courage to stand up for one`s beliefs.
On other days I do voice overs in German, French, English and sometimes Italian. When I shoot a commercial I have to get up early and be on demand the whole day.

What is your favourite role?
I usually fall in love with all the characters I play…
I like almost all the characters written by Shakespeare and Molière.
Some day I would love to play a main character in a historic film and a commissioner in a European City.

Do you prefer theatre or movies?
I need both. To feel the theatre audience who has always a particular energy is fantastic. It`s the NOW that counts, you cant` say `cut, let me do it again!`
For film you also have to be well prepared, but in the moment of shooting you have to forget all of that and just BE.

Can you tell us something more about your cooperation on the fashion movie with Nardou Couture?
Working with Nardou Couture is a great pleasure. Luis Fernando Bernardou is not only a very talented designer, he`s also a most wonderful person. He has the gift of putting together a perfect team: Heiko Seel, a model and professional photographer, Martin Penev who did the movie and Nina Wyser, the make up artist.
Luis Fernando knows exactly what he wants and I felt like a queen in a fairy tale, shooting in his exquisite haute couture dresses.

What are your next plans?
I have many different projects running and hopefully one day I will wear Nardou Couture on a Red Carpet.(smile)

Favourite beauty product…
A day cream, concealer and a faintly coloured lip care.

PHOTO: Victor de la Fuente and Private archive S. Fehr


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