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FashionMag42 proudly presents Carmen Anna Haenggi Swiss athlete

Honestly, I just live my life on a positive note. I try to drive energy from training. I write down my goals and hang them up, next to my bed, I fall asleep with my goals and dream of them. My dreams will one day become reality.

FM42: How did your career in the fitness industry start, and why?
I started with fitness in 2015 after I was told that I could never play ice hockey again. I suffered a severe hockey injury in 2014 and tried to get back on the ice, but doctors wouldn’t let me play any contact sports again. I was weak and needed to learn how to walk normal, how to walk stairs and how to move without any assistance. Working out gave me the ability to strengthen and shape my body again. It gave me confidence because I knew that if I worked hard and consistent, I could fully recover and be an athlete again.

FM42: What does a normal week of training look like for you?
I bike every morning for 30 minutes at home. Then I train about 6 days in the afternoon according to my coach’s plan. It’s usually strength training, but also cardio and intervalls.
Besides that I am working on opening my own gym in Aarau and I also teach yoga.

FM42: What are your favorite exercises?
I love to do shoulder and leg exercises. I also like running a lot and cross-fit as well. I just love any type of sports, really.

FM42: Do you love fashion?
I do, I try to be fashionable even when I am sweaty in a gym. I try to maintain a good shape so that I look good in fashionable clothes and I think that training and being healthy shows in people’s faces. The most beautiful thing anyone can wear is a sincere smile.

FM42: What is your favorite beauty product?
I love waterproof mascara. Even when sweating extensively it stays on.

FM42: How do you stay motivated?
Honestly, I just live my life on a positive note. I try to drive energy from training. I write down my goals and hang them up, next to my bed, I fall asleep with my goals and dream of them. My dreams will one day become reality.

FM42: Plans for the future …
I want to be a successful gym owner. I want to become a bikini pro. I want to graduate with my MBA in 2022. My goal is to make people healthy and to help them live a healthy, balanced lifestyle.

Instagram: @carmen_annah

Carmen with personal trainer Irene  at the Atlas Transformation in Zurich / Photo by Carmen Tindjou
Carmen wearing SISTERS CODE active wear at Atlas Transformation / Photo by Carmen Tindjou


Photo: Andrea Monica Hug
Photo: Andrea Monica Hug

Photos used for interview: Taeyup Photography, Andera Monica Hug, Carmen Tindjou


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