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Fashionmag42 Interview: Julien Paschal

We spoke with actor Julien Paschal who stars in Berlin in a Spanish TV series created by Alex Pina and Esther Martinez Lobato for Netflix. Here Paschal shares how he started his acting career and collaboration with The Actors Home.

MAG42: Julien, when did you decide to become an actor?
I think it’s something I’ve been infusing since I was a little kid, but I decided to take classes and really start acting in 2018. I started with some improvisation classes. Then I went to Frank Feys « actors workshop » and to Luci Lenox’s Frank Stein studio in Barcelona. These classes gave me the confidence to contact actors agencies and to start going to castings.

Julien Paschal Foto: Jesus Romero de Luque

MAG42: What do you enjoy most about acting?
I really enjoy “being in someone else’s shoes » for a moment. I’m passionated by the human psyché and acting is a great way to empathize with characters without judging them. Also when you’re an actor, you never stop learning. Sitting at a terrace or observing people’s interactions in the metro becomes something very interesting because you can learn and use that in your interpretations. I also love being on set. I feel at home there.


MAG42: We watch you in the Netflix TV series *Berlin”. Tell us more about your role ” Polignac »?
Well, Polignac is an Interesting character to me because he has different layers. He’s « powerful », a businessman, with interests in Art. But he also has some secrets in his life. To me he’s a mix of elegance and Rock n roll.

Foto: Berlin, Tamara Arranz

MAG42: What has been your favorite role so far in your career?
Every character is interesting. But until now « Polignac » was my « biggest » role, so I lived with him for 10 months. So… Polignac!

MAG42: Why is it good to be part of the Actors Home Platform?
Sometimes you can feel lonely or isolated when being an actor. So I think it’s great to be part of a community where you can share experiences and doubts. It is also a great way to be connected to industry professionals like casting directors, teachers and coaches.

Foto: Berlin, Tamara Arranz

MAG42: What do you believe is the most challenging aspect of being an actor?
There are many challenges in this job. Dealing with self-doubt, rejection, and the fact that you can be « great » today and « forgotten » tomorrow. You can never take anything for granted.

MAG42: Any plans for the future projects and with whom you would like to work in the film industry?
There are some interesting projects in the pipeline… but I can’t talk about them for the moment. About people who I’d like to work with: there are so many! I’d like to work on very different projects, big productions but also up and coming directors and cinematographers. I basically want to keep on learning every day!

Foto: Berlin, Tamara Arranz

MAG42: Message for our readers is…
If you wanna be an actor, try to make the process « fun ». Would it be classes, casting and shooting. Always remember why you wanted to be an actor at the beginning. And also try to evolve as a human being and try to have a « grounded » life. Listen to yourself and to your instinct, because there is only one « You ».

Cover photo: Jesus Romero de Luque


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