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Exclusive Interview with Swiss plastic surgeon – Dr. med. Colette C. Camenisch

Plastic surgery is my dream job: giving back joy and happiness to my clients is wonderful “

The key for a successful outcome is to be realistic with your wishes; the only way to achieve good results.

Dr. Camenisch, how did you choose the specialized areas of medicine you’ve been practicing for the past years at your clinic?

I was a general surgeon from the beginning. That was a lot of fun but aesthetic surgery has always appealed to me more. Aesthetic surgery is the perfect combination between being a doctor and creating something that makes patients happy: a fresh and shining face for example. When I create breasts, I really try to bring the best shape back to their body. After giving birth a mummy make a tummy tuck or a breast lift alone can support the self-esteem of many women. Therefore, it is a job that gives me a lot of pleasure and a great benefit to my patients.

What should a consultation patient expect when coming to your office for the first time?

When they come to the clinic for the first time they need to figure out what their goal is, and we need to make a plan together of how to get there. Because sometimes the expectations are extreme or even so different from reality that I have a hard time achieving the goal. Then I often have to come back to the anatomy and explain what is possible and what is not. For example, if you are 1.60m tall you can never look like Heidi Klum with 1.76m. It’s important to always have realistic expectations: on both sides.

To follow the trend is the worst possible thing. For example, my body doesn’t really fit to the fashion standard right now. I’m small and I have quite short legs. So I must accept the proportions of my anatomy. And I have to explain the same to my patients: What is possible on Instagram is rarely possible in reality. We must accept the fact that social media often creates false expectations.

Is there an optimal age for seeking a plastic/cosmetic surgery procedure? 

There is no perfect age for an aesthetic procedure. But what I tell all my patients is that it is impossible to make a older skin that has been neglected, beautiful again. Daily care and protection of the skin is the most vital thing – even in preparation for a surgical procedure and aftercare. This is one of the reasons why I established my cosmetic line three years ago. My products are developed to protect the skin and provide it with sufficient moisture.

I have developed a skin care line that meets the requirements for women like me. The application has to be fast, and it has to be easy to use on a daily basis. It must fit into your bag because I travel all over the world to give lectures. I’m a firm believer in hyaluronic acid and high-intensity and good ingredients. And nowadays the more interesting thing is actually what is not in the product: e.g. no paraben plastic (PEGS), silicon, aluminum or mineral oil and it is vegan.

Cleanser – Mild Foam , Lifting Booster Serum,  Anti-Aging-Pflegecreme – Hyaluronic Acid Cream (Rich)

Can you tell us something more about your new cosmetic line?

I have my favourite product – the Lifting Booster Serum which I will give to you as a gift and which you absolutely must try. It’s a fresh product. It has a wonderful texture that is easily absorbed by the skin. I cleanse my face, apply serum and then makeup. Then I’m ready for the day. All my products are highly concentrated. So, you only need two or three pumps of the product for your face, neck and décolleté. That’s exactly what I wanted: something uncomplicated. Because I do so much surgery and have to wear a mask all the time, my skin normally needs a lot of attention. My tip is to take good care of your skin and keep it moisturized.

As I really don’t have time for many steps in my daily beauty routine, I created a bundle that is easy to use, the 3 Beautystep-Bundle. Cleanse your face, apply a serum and a cream.

All my products are dermatologically tested, with no animal testing. I have created something that suits me and I hope other women can benefit from this idea.

Right now we are really focused on e – commerce and we will soon launch our brand new website.

You can find the “COSMETIC CELL CONCEPT” skincare line collection online and in Zurich, at Clinic Beethoven­strasse AG, Beethovenstrasse 9 CH-8002 Zürich and you can make your appointment here

#drcamenisch #esteticsurgery #3beautystep


Dr. Colette Carmen Camenisch
Specialist physician for surgery (Swiss Medical Association)

Specialist physician for plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery (Swiss Medical Association)

European Board of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery EBOPRAS

Specialist training in preventive and anti-aging medicine (German Society of Anti-Aging-Medicine, GSAAM e.V.)

Colette C. Camenisch studied and graduated from the University of Zurich, and primarily completed her specialist training in general surgery in Switzerland. She worked at large trauma surgery clinics such as the University Hospital Zurich between 2003 and 2005. After her first position as senior physician in general surgery, in 2008 she moved to the internationally renowned Akademikliniken in Stockholm (Sweden) to perfect her aesthetic training. There she worked with Prof. Per Hedén, one of the world’s most renowned breast surgeons. She subsequently returned to Switzerland in 2011 as senior physician in plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery at the Cantonal Hospital Thurgau. Between autumn 2012 and spring 2017, she worked as a specialist in plastic surgery at the Pyramide Clinic in Zurich in the capacity of an independent partner of the Center for Plastic Surgery. Since April 2017, she has been Medical Director of the Clinic Beethovenstrasse AG in the centre of Zurich. She is regarded as a leading aesthetic breast surgeon. As a well-known national and international speaker and teacher, she is also a key opinion leader in aesthetic surgical facial rejuvenation. She has chaired symposia around the world and acted as a consultant to the Vice President of Galderma in 2011.

As of 2022, she and a new team are expanding the range of services offered by the Clinic Beethovenstrasse in the areas of skin improvement/skin rejuvenation and skin care with various medical-cosmetic treatments and surgical interventions.

Her “COSMETIC CELL CONCEPT” skincare line was marketed in Switzerland for the first time in 2019; it is easily tolerated and moisturizes the skin without being greasy. It is a natural cosmetic product line that meets the highest quality standards.


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