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Big Interview with Andrea Patrick Forte

It was the first time I was shown on the Cover but that isn’t the reason why I love that one – it is because in that issue we showed retrospectives of the past 10 years of Gladys and seeing it all in one magazine was overwhelming, emotional and made me very proud.

FM42: Andrea, when did you realize you wanted to become a fashion editor / start your own Gladys Magazine?
I’ve always been in love with fashion but I would have to say my desire to launch a magazine happened right after my Mom Gladys passed away in 2007.  My business at that time was a modeling agency which kept me very busy.  I also had a clothing company.  We created inspirational quotes on tanks and hoodies along with journals and other products.  The name of that business was Once Upon A Dream and we held lots of events with models and their mothers.  We hired many of my own models for our campaigns.  I saw such incredible relationships between these mothers and daughters and of course was missing my own so  I wanted to try and “bottle” this love and encouragement I saw and came up with Gladys Magazine.  Gladys is dedicated to anyone who’s been inspired to pursue their dreams by someone they love. And, 12 years later, we are proud to have launched many model’s careers as well as feature up and coming fashion designers and inspiring people!

FM42: How do you pick what content will appear in magazine?
Many different ways.  We are constantly taking submissions and I also request editorials from photographers we already have a relationship with. I also am always scouting new photographers and teams on Instagram.  So, if anyone tags us at #gladysmagazine you can be sure we take a look at your work!

FM42: What is your favorite edition of Gladys?
Well, they are all my favorites.  They are like children, I can’t pick a favorite – but if I had to, I would have to say it would be our 10th Anniversary Issue that I just happened to grace the cover of.  It was the first time I was shown on the Cover but that isn’t the reason why I love that one – it is because in that issue we showed retrospectives of the past 10 years of Gladys and seeing it all in one magazine was overwhelming, emotional and made me very proud. We are now in our 12th year of publishing Gladys.

FM42: How would you define your personal fashion style and the style Gladys Magazine shows?
My personal fashion style runs the gamut – depending on where I am going.  Most of the time these days, I can be seen in casual clothing working in my office.

FM42: How do you cope  with this global crisis situation in fashion and are there any changes you are facing ?
We were very fortunate that in the middle of global pandemic we were still able to release Gladys.  We just released our Women of the Year, Wedding & Couture Issue and I have found that since so many people have been isolated at home, they have had more time to engage and read our magazine.  It’s like having an old friend there for our readers.  Being consistent is key.  We are so grateful that we are able to continue throughout this challenging time.  Creativity never stops and Gladys will never stop trying to inspire others.

FM42: Describe one working day in these times.
It is pretty much the same as always, except we aren’t planning any events or attending any events.  We have been working on our next two issues and promoting our current issue, so it keeps us very busy,

FM42: What is your advice to our readers how to stay positive and keep the balance?
Remember that this too shall pass so when everyone else might be taking a break, keep working towards a goal you have and stay busy being creative!  I believe that possibly some of our best work might come out of this situation.  And, when the time comes that we are back to normal somewhat, you’ll be ahead of the game!  We plan on it!


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