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Meet the artist Daria Spühler

We have a great honor to present to you  photographer Daria Spühler, one of the selected participants of open call “First Date”. This is her first exhibition in Switzerland that we organize in collaboration with Art Cave Zurich, DJ Vera Parish, Artpopup and Eisladen Zurich.

FM42: When did you realize that photography was a path you wanted to follow?

In 2006, when I was studying at the Academy of Fine Arts and realized that I couldn’t live without photography, like without a breath of fresh air. It became my biggest passion in life.

FM42: What does photography mean to you?
Photography is first of all the meaning of my life, my passion, my second child  I’m glad that thanks to my photos I can stop time and give people a memory!

FM42: What was the most curious story behind your photograph?
I finished my public education as a photographer in Germany, although I didn’t have the right to do that because I was a foreigner in that country, and this training is primarily for people who were born
FM42: Who are some photographers that inspire you?
I really love looking at books about reportage photographers. One of my favorite photographers is Henri Cartier-Bresson.

FM42: How did you find out about Open Call First Date and what do you think about themed open calls?
I was told about this exhibition by a friend who owns the gallery. I am very happy that I was able to participate in this exhibition. This is my first exhibition in Switzerland (I had previous exhibitions in other countries). I love themed open calls, because they help us to achieve our objectives, to develop and to improve our art!


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