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Support and Funding for Swiss filmmakers endowed with CHF 100’000

In 2017, the «Association for Film Funding in Switzerland» provides again support and funding for films in production or post-production endowed with CHF 100’000. Swiss filmmakers can submit their projects up to and including July 14, 2017.

The «Association for Film Funding in Switzerland» provides CHF 100’000 of funding for films in the production or post-production phase. The cash is provided by IWC Schaffhausen and awarded annually during the IWC Gala Evening held within the framework the Zurich Film Festival. The funds will be awarded either to one or shared between several film projects and serve in their entirety to support the project(s).

Terms and conditions:

  • Documentary or feature film of min. 60 minutes duration
  • Reference to Switzerland (producers or directors who have had operational headquarters / principal residence in Switzerland for the last two years or more)
  • Film is in production or post-production phase

For more information, visit

Past Winners:
FORTUNA by Germinal Roaux
Production: Ruth Waldburger (Vega Film)

Production: Hercil Bundi and Susanne Guggenberger (Mira Film)

Verein zur Filmförderung in der Schweiz
Bederstrasse 51,
8002 Zürich


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