Ines Janković predstavila novu kolekciju CONTRAST: spoj klasične elegancije i modernog stila

Ines Janković predstavila novu kolekciju CONTRAST: spoj klasične elegancije i modernog stila Modnom revijom u filmskom studiju, u prisustvu velikog broja poznatih ličnosti i medija, dizajnerka Ines Janković obeležila 12 godina umetničkog rada Brend Ines Atelier, iza kog stoji uspešna srpska dizajnerka Ines Janković, ponovo je očarao ljubitelje mode kojima je predstavljena najnovija kolekcija pod […]
Exclusive FashionMag42 interview: Roland Rahal

In this exclusive interview with Mourjjan designer Roland Rahal, known for his transformative creations, we delve into the depths of his creative process, inspirations, and impactful initiatives. From his earliest fashion memories of watching his mother prepare for special occasions to his recent accolades and collaborations, Mourjjan shares insights into his role as a storyteller […]