The 9th Japanese-Serbian Film Festival has opened!

The 9th Japanese-Serbian Film Festival has opened The 9th Japanese-Serbian Film Festival was opened with a solemn ceremony in the Cultural Center of Novi Sad. The festival opened with the Spring Rain dance performance by the famous Japanese choreographer KINO McHUGH, who won the public with her participation in the British TV show program “So […]
Otvoren 9. Japansko – srpski festival filma

Otvoren 9. Japansko – srpski festival filma Svečanom ceremonijom u Kulturnom centru Novog Sada otvoren je 9. Japansko – srpski festival filma. Festival je otvoren plesnim performansom Spring Rain poznate japanske koreografkinje KINO MEKJU (KINO McHUGH) koja je osvojila javnost učešćem u britanskom TV šou programu “So You Think You Can Dance“ i i muzičkim […]