Humanost pobedila na 16. Porše teniskom turniru poznatih

Poznate ličnosti nastavile su humanu misiju i ponovo se okupile u želji da pomognu onima kojima je to najpotrebnije – na 16. Porše teniskom turniru poznatih. Ova jedinstvena humanitarna i sportsko-zabavna manifestacija održana je tokom vikenda (30. septembar i 1. oktobar) na terenima TC “Novak” i okupila je veliki broj poznatih ličnosti – koji redovno […]
Alessandra Ambrosio attend the ‘Dyson’ premiere at the 13th ZFF

Alessandra Ambrosio attend the ‘Dyson’ premiere at the 13th Zurich Film Festival on September 30, 2017 in Zurich, Switzerland. The Zurich Film Festival 2017 will take place from September 28 until October 8. For more information visit:
Opening 13. Zurich Film Festival and Green Carpet Photo Report

Opening 13th. Zurich Film Festival and Green Carpet Photo Report.
13th Zurich Film Festival opens with tennis film BORG/McENROE

13th Zurich Film Festival opens with tennis film BORG/McENROE Federal President Doris Leuthard and Mayor Corine Mauch as honorary guests Director Janus Metz Pedersen and actor Sverrir Gudnason in attendanceZurich, September 28, 2017The Swedish tennis film BORG/McENROE by Danish-born Janus Metz Pedersen opened the 13th Zurich Film Festival on Thursday evening. The director was joined by Borg […]
Third Filmmaker Award to Niklaus Hilber’s PARADISE WAR James Marsden presents the Award endowed with a CHF 100’000 prize

Third Filmmaker Award to Niklaus Hilber’s PARADISE WAR James Marsden presents the Award endowed with a CHF 100’000 prize On Saturday evening, Hollywood actor James Marsden presented the third Filmmaker Award at the IWC gala dinner entitled ‘For the Love of Cinema’ as part of the 13th Zurich Film Festival. The award, endowed with a […]
Predstavljamo vam modnu kampanju “Donna Con Te”- Milice Tričković i Djordja Bukvića

Ekskluzivni editorijal dizajnerke Milice Tričković i modnog fotografa Djordja Bukvića – “Donna Con Te” snimljen je u Italiji tokom Milanske Nedelje Mode. Čestitamo Milici na odličnim kreacijama, a u kombinaciji sa Djordjem fotografije za kampanju izgledaju fantastično! Top Modeli Helen Babić, Andrea Marović i Hanna Baldurdottir predstavile su novu Miličinu kolelciju i na najbolji način […]