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ZFF 72 enters the next round: «Got what it takes to be a filmmaker?»

The ZFF 72 film contest enters its third round: register now at to take part. Entrants are given 72 hours to create a film clip lasting no longer than 72 seconds. There are prizes totalling CHF 10’000 to be won. The award ceremony takes place during the 12th Zurich Film Festival.

This year sees the third edition of the Zurich Film Festival’s ZFF 72 film contest. The aim of the contest is to encourage and inspire filmmakers of all kinds to reach new creative heights by making a film clip in 72 hours.

Entrants are invited to register at before 12 noon on Friday, September 23, 2016 – this is also the time when the theme of the contest will be announced. From then on, participants have exactly 72 hours (until 12 noon on Monday, September 26, 2016) to finish and upload their short film. A jury of experts will rate all the clips that are approved for entry into the contest. The international online community is also offered the chance to rate the clips at until 12 noon on September 29, 2016.

The competition is aimed at film fans, filmmakers and filmmakers in the making. Although the theme of the clip is given, entrants are free to choose the genre; clips can be either fictional or documentary.

Members of a jury present the Jury Award, which is endowed with a CHF 5’000 cash prize. The jury is made up of experts from the film and media industry; the list of jury members will be announced at a later date. The winner as voted for by the international online community will receive the Viewers Award, which is endowed with a CHF 4’000 cash prize.

The two winners will be announced on Friday, September 30, 2016 during the ZFF 72 Award Ceremony, which is followed by the ZFF 72 Award Party.

The 2016 edition of the ZFF 72 contest will once again be supported by Credit Suisse Viva. ZFF 72 also collaborates with various other film festivals in the emerging filmmaker and short film sectors.

Click here to register.


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