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Our fashion stylist is in Europe with the NARDOU COUTURE Tour. He is one of the international stylist and manager for this clothing line. During the promotion in Mexico And USA. Victors was working hard with this Clothing New Brand in magazines, newspaper and fashions shows, promoting new model faces, faces all ready famous and models with a lot of popularity in the fashion industry. He has promoted the NARDOU COUTURE Pre – Collection 2016  in some fashion editorials and campaign.   Now he is in Europe working so close with the designer Fernando Bernardou for the New Collection PANAMBI HIGH COUTURE 2016 for NARDOU COUTURE .  The all team is finally in Serbia getting ready for the final presentation  for the 39th Black’n ‘Easy Belgrade Fashion Week 2016. 

Models Aurea Sanchez and José Martinez, A photography by Adrian Robles
Model David Lopez Osornio, Photography by Vivi Salazar
Models Aurea Sanchez and David Lopez Osornio, Photography by Vivi Salazar


Victor Navarro with fashion model Fanny Chavez Photography: Reyna Lopez
Models: Aurea Sánchez and José Marínez Photography: Adrian Robles
Model: José Martínez, Photography: Reyna Lopez
Photography by Anthony LaFlam
Model Anthony LaFlam , Photography by Carrie Evans
Model Anthony LaFlam , Photography by Carrie Evans
Model Anthony LaFlam , Photography by Carrie Evans


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