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Prominent Juries for the Three Competition Categories Lone Scherfig, Mike Lerner and Bettina Reitz as Jury Presidents

Zurich, September 20, 2016

The Zurich Film Festival screens first, second and third directorial works in the three competition categories International Feature Film, International Documentary Film and Focus: Switzerland Germany Austria. A separate jury of specialists rates the films in each of the three categories. Each jury announces the winner of the Golden Eye for its category during the Award Night at Zurich Opera House on Saturday, October 1. The two main categories each carry a 25’000 Swiss francs cash prize; the focus section carries a 20’000 Swiss franc cash prize. Each winning film also profits from additional distribution support.

International Feature Film Jury
Lone Scherfig (jury president) / director / Denmark
David Farr / screenwriter / Great Britain
Sibel Kekilli / actress / Germany
Graham Broadbent / producer / Great Britain

International Documentary Film Jury
Mike Lerner (jury president) / producer / Great Britain
Firouzeh Khosrovani / director / Iran
Stéphane Kuthy / cinematographer / Switzerland
Nadav Schirman / director / Israel
Betzabé Garcia / director / Mexico

Focus: Switzerland, Germany Austria Jury
Bettina Reitz (jury president) / producer / Germany
Micha Lewinsky / director / Switzerland
Nathalie Borgers / director / Austria
Joel Basman / actor / Switzerland
Devid Striesow / actor / Germany

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