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Parker Henry: This is where I feel acting as a sort of therapy for me

Young actor Parker Henry, member of The Actors Home platform, shares with us his acting experience.

FM42: Parker, do you feel free when you’re acting or performing?

In a way I do think performing is freeing. In the moment, we are confined to the limits of the character, but in the sense that the character is a cooperative creation between the writer and actor, I feel free to make choices that I, Parker, wouldn’t necessarily make in my own existence. That said, the confines of the character (depending on the project) have limitations. In terms of personal freedom, performing is definitely liberating.

Foto: Elsa Georgelin

FM42: What kind of practices help you to get into the mindset for difficult

I appreciate that everyone has their own process and practices. There is never only one way of doing something. For me it starts with being fully present and centered. I do this through various mental and physical exercises. As for preparation, research and experimentation, as well as talking with my director and coach, it is definitely a collective effort. At the end of the day, it is about understanding drives, motivations and conflict, and immersion into the thought processes of the character.

Foto: Mustafa Ozgun

FM42: Is there a certain thrill in the moments before the cameras start rolling on a film set?

At first there was, but now it feels like par for the course. It’s about being present and centered. The thrill for me comes in the prep work.

Foto: Dim Sum

FM42: Can taking on a certain role also help you explore your own identity?

This is where I feel acting as a sort of therapy for me. While exploring a make-believe character or even a historical figure, it draws me into my depths. Regardless if I must dig deep or not, it is an opportunity to learn something about myself and the world around me.

FM42: How do you decide when to say yes to a film project, and when it might be too stressful for you?

When an offer comes in, I have to read the script. If it resonates with me or I feel the people I’ll be working with can impact my life, I’ll do it. It is important to have discretion over these sorts of things. And it is a blessing for any actor who has the ability to say no. As for stress, if I’m stressed a bit it just means I care. I look forward to the stress and challenges. It’s exactly that which pushes me to be better. Now we all have boundaries and should hold fast, but a little stress doesn’t hurt.

FM42: Who has been inspiring you lately?

I find inspiration all over the place. Some people who’ve inspired me recently include Nicola Coughlan, Adam Morse, Brian Cox, Naomi Campbell, Bryan Cranston and one of my best friends, Jacob.

Foto: Dim Sum

FM42: Why is it good to be part of The Actors Home platform?

It is a lovely community of passionate actors who share knowledge, insights and support one another. 10/10 recommend to any actor at any level.

FM42: And what is next for you?
I currently live in Paris but I am making plans to move house. So I’ll be focusing on this great transition.

Thank you for inviting me to do this interview!

Cover foto: Bella Saville


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