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FashionMag42 presents fashion brand MARC O’POLO


FashionMag42 presents fashion brand MARC O’POLO , a very known international fashion brand  from Sweden.
They are also known as a brand who only when is necessary using materials made from  Synthetics.
You can combine from work to going out looks  and  beside the style, you have comfort as well.
We spotted the new arrivals at “The Gallery”  in the heart of the Zurich city.

About Marc O’Polo

Corporate Philosophy
Marc O’Polo is synonymous with a casual urban lifestyle for discerning people. The focus on
natural materials is in keeping with the brand’s Swedish origins. The target group comprises
both fashion conscious consumers and quality conscious individualists. Marc O’Polo has
carved out a successful position in the premium casual sector with its creative, high-quality
The range represented by Bollag-Guggenheim Fashion Group includes Marc O’Polo casual
women- and menswear, accessories, shoes and Campus.
The company values are based on the keywords Natural, Quality, Innovation, Personality,
and Simplicity.

The History Marc O’Polo
The history of the Marc O’Polo Company begins in Sweden and soon achieves international
success. 1967 Marc O’Polo was founded in Stockholm by the Swedes Rolf Lind and Göte
Huss and American Jerry O’Sheets. The success of the brand bases on the brilliant idea of
the three founders: Only the use of natural materials, as cotton, wool, linen and silk grants
the modern casual look, Marc O’Polo stands for. Synthetics are only used if absolutely

1997 Werner Böck takes over a further near-40% of the Swedish parent company and
founds “Marc O’Polo International GmbH”, responsible for design, production, purchasing,
marketing and international sales. The company headquarters are relocated from
Stockholm, Sweden to Stephanskirchen, Germany.

Corporate Philosophy
Marc O’Polo is synonymous with a casual urban lifestyle for discerning people. The focus on
natural materials is in keeping with the brand’s Swedish origins. The target group comprises
both fashion conscious consumers and quality conscious individualists. Marc O’Polo has
carved out a successful position in the premium casual sector with its creative, high-quality
The range represented by Bollag-Guggenheim Fashion Group includes Marc O’Polo casual
women- and menswear, accessories, shoes and Campus.
The company values are based on the keywords Natural, Quality, Innovation, Personality,
and Simplicity.

The History Marc O’Polo
The history of the Marc O’Polo Company begins in Sweden and soon achieves international
success. 1967 Marc O’Polo was founded in Stockholm by the Swedes Rolf Lind and Göte
Huss and American Jerry O’Sheets. The success of the brand bases on the brilliant idea of
the three founders: Only the use of natural materials, as cotton, wool, linen and silk grants
the modern casual look, Marc O’Polo stands for. Synthetics are only used if absolutely

1997 Werner Böck takes over a further near-40% of the Swedish parent company and
founds “Marc O’Polo International GmbH”, responsible for design, production, purchasing,
marketing and international sales. The company headquarters are relocated from
Stockholm, Sweden to Stephanskirchen, Germany.


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