Collection ATEHNEO. Inspiration. Motives of Khazarian dictionary. Unique piece of art. Interaction. Exploration.

Location: Belgrade, Serbia
Photographer: Mina Delic @ledenaskroz
Fashion designer: NEO Design by Nevena Ivanovic @neodesign.neo
Make up artist: Maria Tothova (Inglot Serbia) @mariatothova
Hair stylist: Maja Denic @majadenic
Models: Strahinja O. and Mirjana V. from DEMONS Model Management @demons_model_management
BLOK 62. Komunistička arhitektura. Snažna. Sirova. Nadrealna. Uzdignuta iz pepela Drugog svetskog rata. Socijalna utopija. Izolacija.
Kolekcija ATEHNEO. Inspiracija. Splet motiva Hazarskog rečnika. Jedinstvenost umetničkog dela. Interakcija. Amalgamacija.
Osvajanje minulog. Nova era.
BLOK 62. Communist architecture. Strong. Raw. Surreal. Born from the ashes of World War II. Socialist utopia. Isolation.
Collection ATEHNEO. Inspiration. Motives of Khazarian dictionary. Unique piece of art. Interaction. Exploration.
Amalgamation. Conquering the gone. New era.