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FM42 presents Discover Out Loud Luxury Travel and Lifestyle webzine & Ariane Tavakol

 “There are so many interesting and unique personalities I would love to spend even 5 minutes with and pick their brain!”

Discover Out Loud is Luxury Travel and Lifestyle webzine, online for almost 4 years. Have you met the expectations you had set for yourself at the beginning?
I had absolutely no expectations when I began this journey over 4 years ago other than have fun, be creative, learn and meet new people. I had just recently moved from New York and needed an outlet to help me integrate to Zurich but also have a creative platform which I desperately was in need of.

4 years later, not only did it exceed my expectations (not difficult with 0 as a starting point!) but I have found my calling. Thanks to Discover Out Loud, I have had the privilege to reinvent myself, push my boundaries like no other time before, get out of my comfort zone and have a life I could have only dreamed about.

Discover Out Loud is a Luxury lifestyle Webzine produced by Creative Director Ariane Tavakol and based in Zurich, Switzerland

Moving away is always difficult at first but I realised many moves ago that the only way to find happiness is to take charge of my feelings and my life by giving 100% of myself. I cannot expect anyone or any place to fulfil the void I feel. And I am fervent believer that we take ourself wherever we go.

Do you remember what your first article was about?
I remember writing about the top brunch restaurants in Zurich, which back then were a few. Since I didn’t really have a clear direction or game plan, I wrote essentially about my new discoveries and tried to answer my own questions upon moving there.

 Who do you dream of interviewing next?
There are so many people I would love to interview next. There are so many interesting and unique personalities I would love to spend even 5 minutes with and pick their brain! For example, I would love to interview Arianna Huffington, Marie Forleo, Tom Bilyeu, Vishen Lakhiani (MindValley Founder), Lady Gaga and so many more…

Can you tell us something about yourself, what is your favorite fashion brand and can you describe your fashion style?
I think I have a pretty eclectic fashion style which varies depending on my mood. But generally I like to be unique. I also like to play around with my hair styles which completely change my look. 

In the summer, I wear a lot of colors and prints but in the winter I tend to wear a lot of black. This year however I want to get into more colors like plum, kaki and grey.

I can’t say that I have a favourite fashion brand. I believe that style is not something that you can buy and expensive doesn’t always equate with style. I enjoy mixing high and low.

Having said that when it NY, I like to shop at Intermix. They do a good job at curating different brands and have a good mix of contemporary fashion.

As far as international shopping, I like and

Ariane Tavakol at Le Grand Bellevue Hotel in Gstaad

Where is your favourite place to travel to?
I just love to travel. I seriously could travel all the time if I could. I still have so many places to discover and explore. Every last place that I visit becomes my favourite place but of course certain places evoke a deeper connection than others. I absolutely love Mykonos for example. I know it’s pretty cliché but I love it. I also loved Peru and Bolivia, for different reasons obviously. It’s hard to give one place because there are so many!

What do you think about the fast fashion industry and sustainable fashion designers to reach out with quality and unique design?
As long as there are brands like Zara and H&M offering great styles at very affordable pricing, there will be people buying them. What we need to do is teach everyone that having one good piece is so much better than ten cheap ones. It will last longer and most likely never go out of style. We don’t need so many clothes to feel and look good. If shopping is to fill a void, then there is a bigger conversation to be had. I hope that more and more people educate themselves (myself included) on how fast fashion is produced and the impact that it has on the environment, therefore the future of our planet and generations to come.

And the more sustainable brands design stylish and off the catwalk looks, the more consumers will start looking their way. It’s just a matter of time I think. But we need more education on this matter.

Your msg to FM42 readers is…
Live life like there is no tomorrow. Do the things that you have dreamed of but never dared to do. Go out and have fun. Push your boundaries as far as you can to see what lies beyond the wall of fear.

Travel. Eat. Play. Dance and Love!


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