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Featuring interview with Andrea Patrick Forte Editor-in-Chief at the US Gladys Magazine

Featuring interview with Andrea Patrick Forte Editor-in-Chief at the Gladys Magazine on publishing industry, fashion, inspiration and more…

FM42: What was your first job in fashion industry?
I started out in the fashion industry as a model in Los Angeles which was an incredible way to learn about fashion, designers, photography and the creative process.
In 1991, I started Patrick Talent Agency, a nationwide modelling agency (now in our 25th year) and we have worked with clients and models from all over the world.

FM42: What was your vision like for Gladys? Tell us more about magazine.
My vision for Gladys was to be a magazine that everyone could be proud to read.  From young girls to grandmothers, I wanted them to see this brand as a publication that they all could feel they could be a part of and not excluded from.  My Mother Gladys was my inspiration for starting this magazine.  She passed away in 2007 and she was a very fashionable, beautiful and inspiring woman.
She taught me that I could do anything in my life if I worked hard and kept my values true.  This magazine is dedicated to anyone who has been inspired to pursue their dreams by someone they love.  We call them
our Inspirations – our Gladys’s and we all have someone like that in our lives…

FM42: What would you say was the most important thing you learned in your role as editor-in-chief at a magazine?
I have learned so much in the past eight years!  The publishing industry isn’t all glamorous.  It’s putting in very long hours and working hard to achieve your vision. We never wanted to be a throw away magazine like so many of them are. Our customers tell us they save our magazines.  They are keepsakes to be passed along.  That touches my heart.  I’ve also learned in everything, especially in business to listen to my heart and my gut instinct.  When it doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t.

FM42: Which designers or brands do you personally wear and why?
I have so many designers that I love! La Petite Robe di Chiara Boni, Badgley Mischka, Carolina Herrera, Oscar Del La Renta, Valentina, Yves St Laurent (the classics) and depending on the season, I love wearing Calypso St Barth, Hale Bob & Pucci in the summer!
I also love to support the designers who we feature in Gladys like up and coming jewelry designers Delpozzo Designs, Cecilia’s Steel & Nikkay Fashions Jewelry.

FM42: What do you think will be the next must have accessory?
Hats!  They’ve never really gone out of style, but there are so many gorgeous hat designers out there! Plus, I’ve always been a hat girl and I probably have far too many of them, but they can really transform your look!  I also love mini bags, I think I have an obsession with them!

FM42: What’s next on your activity calendar?
Up next is our September release of our sister publication Bella Gladys (which was just launched this year) and we are working on our November Holiday Edition which is always one of our reader’s favorites!
Gladys can be found at Barnes & Noble and other up scale book stores across the country and at news stands nationwide.

Instagram: GladysMagazine
Pinterest: GladysMagazine








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