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FashionMag42 proudly presents Juan Loza photography exhibition ” Giants of the Dry”

Photographer’s Statement:

Saguaros (Carnegiea gigantea) are one of the most unique cacti in the Sonoran Desert of the south west. “Giants of the Dry” is an exhibition that focuses on the conservation and beauty of the desert.

I started this series last year with the intent to find the most unique and attractive saguaros that Arizona had to offer. While travelling the desert between Phoenix and Tucson, I developed a greater respect for saguaros and the environment in which they live in. These giants of magnificent size are true survivors of time, standing for hundreds of years.

I took these photographs in black and white to give the audience a sense of imagination, rather than use colours we can see every day. In developing black and white photographs, I feel a more intimate connection with the image – I find a sense of wonder between the dark and light.

Giants of the Dry:

Saguaros are a symbol of the Sonoran Desert, spanning over 120,000 square miles from Northern Mexico to the Southwestern United States. They are well adapted to one of the harshest climates in the southwest, thriving in temperatures that can exceed 115 degrees Fahrenheit. Their best-known adaptation is the ability to store water for times of drought. A full grown saguaro can be 75% water and weigh several tons. Most organisms in the desert have some ecological connection to saguaros. Many animals feed from the tissue, flowers and fruit, and others live directly in the cactus. Come on a visual journey to see these amazing saguaros in their environment.


Juan Loza started taking photographs in 2010, and has a passion for art and the natural world since he was a child in Guanajuato, Mexico. He creates beautiful wildlife and nature photographs with an underlying message of conservation. He also loves to photograph fashion and take family portraits. Juan enjoys experimenting with different types of media, including 35mm film and creative digital photography.

A photograph is proof of a moment in a life that might not be there in the future”

-Juan Loza

My feeling that day.

” Woke up feeling happy and accomplish, still a little nervous. took a shower then went to do some last minute preparations. then went to hangout with my friend Tomas witch he was very supportive too. That day we went to the book store to look for books and that kinda took things out of my mind a bit. As the day approach to the time of my exhibition I was a little nervous but prepare. Then Before I knew it people stared to come in and friends as the evening progressed everybody stared to come in and people wanted to say hi and to ask me about the work it was one of those moments on my career I felt accomplish and happy that I took this photographic project was able to be a success. My friends and family were their to support me, witch it made it very special. I had friends that came around to see and help out, DJ Johnny Rogers and to Erin the gallery Manager who were very helpful including Erich Bloenk who connected me to the gallery. As the night ended i felt great saw people met people and sold photographs i couldn’t be more thankful, that moment I knew I was doing and experiencing my passion and that people love it. I see a lot of projects in the future from, nature to people and fashion. photography is a life-art something that you capture photographically to show a moment and time of the subject.
Juan Loza


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