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Fashionmag42 feature interview with pianist and composer Alessandro Martire

 Fashionmag42 featured young Italian pianist and composer Alessandro Martire, class of 1992. He studied piano and composition at Music Academy Genoa taking honours and a Masters class with an Italian pianist and composer Giusto Franco, as well at the American Music College in Boston, Berkley in new age composition performing at the David Friend recital hall.
Alessandro, it is a privilege to welcome you to FashionMag42 magazine. Please share with us your early exposure to music and how you became a musician ?
I became musician when i was Little guy, 11 years old. I really love music And piano since the beginning , I always listen music and I always play piano. At 15 years old, I understood that I loved compose music and play my composition.
Like most musicians you began playing before you began composing. How did you make the transition to composition, and how much formal training in it did you receive?
I studied classical music, but i played more pop music , I love Coldplay, U2 , Keane and after that I would like to create my style of music, from study classical to love of pop music.
Please tell us about the recording techniques that were used for Flames of joy?
Flames of Joy was Recording in Italy, we rec before the piano and after that we put cello, strings and viola, to create amazing sound to support the melody of the piano, I hope that you listen my last album and also the first One “Melodia di Vita”, the debut album.
How did you become involved with Aleksandar Djordjevic and 24 Hours of Elegance event?
I knew Alex in Firenze last June for his event in occasion of Pitti And he like my Music and after we discuss about the possibility to host music in this beautiful event 24hours of elegance in Belgrade .

What s your next activities?
I’m working for november tour that will start the 4th of  November at Brooklyn theatre in Pretoria (South Africa ) and I will go Also in Hong Kong , Seoul , china ect…


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