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Fashion Stylist Victor Navarro checking out SS16 PRE COLLECTION ARIZONA

Fashion Stylist Victor Navarro recently visited Zurich and sisters Veljkovic studio to check out their new pre collection (SS16 called Arizona) which is made together with their colleague fashion model Igor Jagic.  To remember Victor already have a great professional collaboration with Sisters Code by SBC team, they shoot the incredible fashion editorial “A Phoenix Story”, which  was published in many magazines in Serbia and international.

Vladana said: We are very happy to have Victor in Zurich and to continue our collaboration and not only business, we become very good friends too and we are very happy to have Victor as a fashion stylist for our magazines and and for our next fashion show in Belgrade. He did an amassing work in Belgrade as a fashion stylist at the 39. Belgrade Fashion Week and we are so proud to know him.  Victor shortly said: I want to go back to Belgrade and work together in fashion again!





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