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Alessandro Siniscalchi one of the world’s best-known shirt-makers at the 24 Hours of Elegance

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Siniscalchi is one of the world’s best-known shirt-makers. Based in Milan, since it was founded in 1948. He could be one of the youngest in Italian milieu. One of the last still availing himself of a very important patrimony of his knowledge and capability. Alessandro Sinscalchi, just 52, and already master of the art. This is in fact the only definition possible for a man who turned shirts into creation of a high – quality artisan like tailoring.

Wholly hand-made and made to measure. An important heritage coming directly from his father Vittorio, which Alessandro knew how to strengthen  and emphasize, turning to into the added valley of the art of producing shirts.

Beyond, much work lies service. A mix of highly specialised professionalism and attention towards customers changing gradually the Maison Siniscalchi into a place of worship. Beyond shirts, there is also a possibility to theorize a pleasure, to live one’s own elegance as a self-celebrating moment shifting through the choice of fabrics, the creation of a personalised paper pattern, the first fitting of the cloth garment and then of the one in the chosen fabric.
And furthermore the rites of Siniscalchi’s work, including also another fitting with the finished garment.

When the shirts has already been worn”, Alessandro says, “we ask the customer to come back in the “workshop” with the worn garment, so as to check the most difficult aspects, such as collar, cuff, or the “triangle” of the under-jacket garment. Everything has to be clean, perfect, like wearing a second skin”. A mania of perfection, creating long line of customers at Siniscalchi’s in spite of the long manufacturing times.People from all over the word. Besides the many Italians, there are Americans, Arab people but above all Japanese in contending the high professionalism of Alessandro the shirt-maker.

In the arena of high-end bespoke shirtmaking there is only ONE gladiator: Alessandro Siniscalchi . Famed Milanese bespoke shirtmaker will be joining us at the Salon of Excellence conference&expo at Belgrade Waterfront gallery on September 10, to demonstrate the art of fine shirt-making.For more information visit

Video by Katia Lombardo












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