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Winner of the Science Film Award 2021

The Science Film Award was presented today for the third time and will be awarded to Theo Anthony for his documentary film ALL LIGHT, EVERYWHERE.

The documentary tells of a time in which surveillance technologies increasingly determine our lives. Filmmaker Theo Anthony opens our eyes to the connection between cameras, weapons, policing and justice – pillars of surveillance that have always had a close, reciprocal relationship with photographic innovation.

The highly-regarded jury included Mirko Bischofberger, Head of Communications at EPFL, and Anaïs Emery, Director of the Geneva International Film Festival, in addition to the film director Tim Fehlbaum and the President of the ETH Board, Michael O. Hengartner.

The jury explains its choice as follows: “ALL LIGHT, EVERYWHERE receives the Science Film Award for the poetic and self-reflective exploration of surveillance technologies, data science, justice, truth and ultimately objectivity. Through a highly original approach, the film investigates the role of images and videos in our daily lives and encourages the audience to reflect on scientific evidence – especially if perceived through a camera lense. In that sense, the film ultimately also consciously questions itself without making any claim to absolute objectivity.”

The Science Film Award will be presented to the winner Theo Anthony on Saturday evening during a special screening.

Jury member Michael O. Hengartner signing the winner’s certificate © Luiz Freire for ZFF


The jury members Michael O. Hengartner, Mirko Bischofberger, Tim Fehlbaum and Anaïs Emery (f.l.t.r.) selected the winner of the Science Film Award today © Luiz Freire for ZFF


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