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Natasha Petrović: I am always seeking new ways to express myself

Thanks to the Actors Home platform we had the opportunity to meet talented actress – Natasha Petrović

FM42: Natasha, was it always your dream to be an actor?
Interestingly enough, when I was a small child, I was very shy and hated being the center of attention. I never enjoyed being filmed or photographed. When I turned nine years old, I had my first theater performance on the big stage of the cultural center in my hometown, Shtip. I don’t remember the name of the play, but I still remember the feeling I had back then and my lines. It was all new and very exciting to me, and I had lots of fun.

But in my family, acting was considered a hobby, not a *real* profession back then.It wasn’t until I had to go to college that I felt an overwhelming desire to learn more about what professional acting is about, what it means to be an actor, and everything that comes with it. I decided to follow my gut and pursue acting rather than becoming a teacher, doctor, or princess… all the professions I imagined as a kid. Today, I get to embody all those roles and more, and most importantly, I get to keep my childish spirit and joy through my profession as an actress. Although acting was never something I dreamt of, I would never dream of doing anything else now.

Foto: Aleksandra Kostadinovska

FM42: Are you trying to find work that helps you express yourself in different ways?
I am always seeking new ways to express myself, not just within the film or theater industry but in life and through various mediums. For example, I enjoy writing short children’s poems, sometimes I draw and paint twisted faces and flowers, and recently I’ve taken up rug tufting. Who knows what tomorrow will bring? One of the things I am particularly proud of is being one of the founders of the independent theater group, Artopia.

We have successfully existed for eight years, continually striving to grow and collaborate with different artists and creative individuals. We produce theater performances and are hosting our third theatrical residency this summer. I consider this a highly effective tool for personal and professional expression and growth.

Foto: ©ReActing as a Star_ Samo Paušer

FM42: Do you think about the audience when you’re acting on stage?
I believe that when you are on stage, you need to fully focus and dedicate yourself to the role, the performance, and your partners. Naturally, the awareness of the audience’s presence must be there because, after all, we perform for them and create all that magic on stage for them. However, I do not allow that to be my primary focus. I firmly believe in being fully present in the moment and immersing myself entirely in the role I am portraying is crucial, as any emotional disconnect can be easily detected by the audience, potentially diminishing the impact of the performance.

When a play involves direct interaction, I actively think about the audience, engaging with them as an essential part of the performance. This interaction adds a unique and dynamic element to the play, making it a more memorable experience for everyone involved.

On the other hand, when in the play maintaining the integrity of the fourth wall is essential. In these instances, my focus is on staying true to the character and the world of the play, ensuring that I remain fully immersed in the role. This helps preserve the illusion of reality that is vital for such performances. I am always aware that my ultimate purpose is to perform for the audience. Whether through direct engagement or maintaining a believable illusion, my goal is to create a compelling and emotionally resonant experience for the audience.

Foto: Aleksandra Kostadinovska

FM42: How would you describe your acting technique?
I was primarily taught using the Stanislavski method, which has had a significant impact on my approach to acting. However, I enjoy blending and experimenting with various styles. This adaptability allows me to adapt to the many styles and demands of different performances, improving my craft and expanding my range as an actor. I can say, my approach is a dynamic fusion of structured methods and creative experimentation. It’s a mix that really works for me.

Foto: Aleksandra Kostadinovska

FM42: So, you couldn’t say which of your roles was hardest to prepare for?
Preparing for the role of Samira in “As If I Am Not There” was certainly one of the most challenging experiences for me. At the time, I was still a student when I auditioned for a smaller role in this movie and ended up being cast as the lead. It required me to immerse myself quickly in a complex character with a tough story line. Additionally, I had to learn a new language for the role, which added another element of complexity.

Overall, the combination of emotional depth, linguistic challenges, the short time for the preparation process and the responsibility of carrying such a pivotal role made it a particularly demanding preparation process, jet a really exciting and significant journey for me.

Foto: Aleksandra Kostadinovska

FM42: Why is it good to be part of the Actors Home Platform?
This platform is the first of its kind, dedicated solely to us, aiming to enhance our skills and provide invaluable resources tailored to our needs. It’s amazing and we are fortunate to have Lucy, whose sensitivity and dedication have been vital in creating this platform and its supportive environment. Her commitment to helping each of us grow is what makes the Actors Home Platform so special and indispensable for our personal and professional development. Being part of the Actors Home Platform is immensely beneficial because it fosters a community where actors support one another, strengthening our collective bond and resilience, and creating meaningful connections between us because this is something that we all need.

Foto: Aleksandra Kostadinovska

FM42: Any plans for the future projects?
Absolutely! I have some exciting projects coming up. We’re gearing up to produce a new performance with Artopia in the next few months, and we have our upcoming residency, “The Envisioned Common,” happening this July. Plus, I’m looking forward to some possible upcoming film projects that I can’t speak about just yet… Stay tuned for more updates—it’s going to be a busy and exciting time ahead!

Cover photo: Aleksandra Kostadinovska


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