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6th International Film Music Competition 2017 Golden Eye to Italian composer Giuseppe Onofrietti

6th International Film Music Competition 2017
Golden Eye to Italian composer Giuseppe Onofrietti
Film Music Concert in the new Tonhalle MaagZurich, October 5, 2017Italian composer Giuseppe Onofrietti is the winner of the 6th International Film Music Competition, which took place during the 13th Zurich Film Festival on Thursday evening at the Tonhalle Maag. Onofrietti received the Golden Eye endowed with a CHF 10’000 cash prize for ‚Best International Film Music 2017’.

189 composers from 38 countries took part in this year’s Film Music Competition. The jury, headed by German singer and actor Herbert Grönemeyer, had previously selected five compositions to participate in the final. Nominated in addition to Giuseppe Onofrietti were Joakim Unander (Sweden), David Arcus (Canada), Christoph Johannes Hiller (Germany) and Andréane Détienne (France).

The five nominated compositions were world premiered at the new urban location Tonhalle Maag by the Tonhalle Orchestra Zurich under the baton of Frank Strobel. Entrants were asked to score for symphony orchestra the Turkish short film TAMAH by Erhan Yürük.

James Bond – The Hunt for 007

In addition to Herbert Grönemeyer, this year’s jury further comprised German conductor Frank Strobel, British film music composer, producer and musician Anne Dudley, Zurich-born film music composer and musician Fabian Römer and the Turkish filmmaker Erhan Yürük.

Entitled „James Bond – The Hunt for 007“, the grand Film Music Concert that followed was dedicated to the magnificent soundtracks of the James Bond films. Title tracks, villain motives and fanfares from such films as GOLDFINGER, LICENCE TO KILL, CASINO ROYALE and SKYFALL resonated throughout the concert hall.

The International Film Music Competition is organised by the Zurich Film Festival (ZFF) and the Tonhalle Orchestra Zurich (TOZ) in collaboration with the Forum Filmmusik.


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