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Fashionmag42 intervju: Andjela Petković

Razgovarali smo sa Adjelom Petković, specijalistom za komunikacije kompanije Avon koja nam je otkrila, kako izgleda transformacija kompanije u digitalnom svetu i koji noviteti nas očekuju. FM42: Kompanija Avon je sinonim za inovaciju, kvalitet i podršku ženama. Kako izgleda transformacija Avona na našem tržištu u eri digitalne revolucije? U pitanju je strateški pomak i niz […]


Emerging Talents  is an internationally acclaimed fashion platform dedicated to supporting and promoting emerging designers in the fashion industry. Through its biannual fashion shows and presentations, Emerging Talents Milan provides a global stage for designers to showcase their creativity, connect with industry professionals, and gain exposure in the international fashion arena. We enjoyed various looks […]

Fashionmag42 interview: Matt Reeves Executive Producer

FM42: On the origins of The Penguin When I was writing the script for The Batman, there was a point at which the script was getting so long, and I thought, ‘You know, maybe this would be an amazing crime story for HBO.’ Then I met with Warner Bros. and told them, ‘I’m already doing […]