Impressions Mode Suisse & Friends 2024 ZURICH

On 2nd September, 2024, Mode Suisse celebrated its format Mode Suisse & Friends once again at the Kunsthaus Zürich. With 22 participants presenting their latest collections and projects, Switzerland’s fashion platform celebrated its unique concept, more than ever, by offering a fashion-week-in-a-day experience. Three separate shows were accompanied by diverse live acts, including English singer-songwriter […]
Tanya Kostadinova : Being involved in a documentary and trying to direct it opened my eyes to so many things as an actor

Thanks to the Actors Home platform we had the opportunity to meet talented actress Tanya – Kostadinova FM42: What would you say was the turning point in your career? Understanding and accepting rejection was a major turning point. I learned that rejection is part of being an actor.It’s never personal. It simply comes down to […]