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Natasha Petrović: I am always seeking new ways to express myself

Thanks to the Actors Home platform we had the opportunity to meet talented actress – Natasha Petrović FM42: Natasha, was it always your dream to be an actor? Interestingly enough, when I was a small child, I was very shy and hated being the center of attention. I never enjoyed being filmed or photographed. When […]

Warner Music Balkans: Novi muzički lejbel za artiste sa Balkana

Warner Music South East Europe (WM SEE) najavio je lansiranje novog lejbla, Warner Music Balkans, koji će objediniti lokalne talente iz Hrvatske, Srbije, Slovenije i drugih zemalja Zapadnog Balkana, omogućavajući im pristup globalnoj mreži Warner Music grupe. Reč je o zajedničkom projektu WM SEE, hrvatske izdavačke kuće Dancing Bear, srpske kompanije Mascom i slovenačke kuće […]

Vladimir Angelove: ” Every role comes with its own challenges”

We talked with Vladimir regarding his acting career and benefits why it is great to be a member at The Actors Home platform. FM42: So you always knew that acting is what you wanted to do? Although my love for acting ignited nearly 40 years ago, my relationship with this craft has suffered many ups […]