Ida Prester feat. Fantom – ’’Budalo’’

Ida Prester u svom novom ljubavnom singlu ugostila je tajnovitog mladog umetnika – Fantoma. Posle niza uspešnih singlova, koji su mnogima obeležili prethodne dve godine, Ida Prester nam pred samo leto donosi saradnju sa mladim i talentovanim umetnikom, Fantomom. Za svoju prvu saradnju napravili su i spot koji je režirao Miroslav Miša Terzić, dok je […]

WHERE DID WE GET IT WRONG? Probably the highest influence on building the prejudice regarding Japanese Cinema and the image of Japanese national character in the post-war era was the work of Ruth Benedict The Chrysanthemum and sword (1946), where Japan was considered as the most complete OTHER to the United States. Benedict’s approach […]