FashionMag42 proudly presents Juan Loza photography exhibition ” Giants of the Dry”

Photographer’s Statement: Saguaros (Carnegiea gigantea) are one of the most unique cacti in the Sonoran Desert of the south west. “Giants of the Dry” is an exhibition that focuses on the conservation and beauty of the desert. I started this series last year with the intent to find the most unique and attractive saguaros that […]
FashionMag42 predstavlja kolekciju “Last dance on bloody river II” by Simone Manojlović

Kolekcija “Last dance on bloody river II”, pre fall 2016. Nastavak na kolekciju Last dance on bloody river spring/summer 2016.Snimljene preview fotografije kao najava kolekcije koja će biti prikazana u Aprilu u Tunisu izmedu ostalog. Ženstvena ženska kolekcija kojoj je baza crvena, uskoro će biti upotpunjena i muškom linijom. Kolekcija se obraća dominantnim,spremnim na sve. […]