Highlight: Annual Luncheon for Lifeline New York supported by DeGorsi luxury consulting

HRH Princess Katherine of Serbia and HRH Prince Alexander Hosts Annual Luncheon for Lifeline New York supported by DeGorsi luxury consulting Their Royal Highnesses Prince Alexander and Princess Katherine hosted the fifth Annual Benefit Luncheon for Lifeline New York at Le Cirque on Thursday October 22nd that also served as a celebration of the Prince’s […]
Exclusive Interview with Theresa Harnois

FashionMag42 proudly presents jewellery designer from Phoenix Arizona – Theresa Harnois & Hart Designs How did you come to realize your talent? Although I have been locally recognized for my jewellery designs for many years, it was the pain from a series of life changing, personal losses that unleashed the process by which I create […]
Academia Del Lusso – Samostalna izložba Stefana Kokovića

U Beogradu 15.12. na Academia Del Lusso biće organizovana samostalna izložba fotografija Stefana Kokovića u okviru Balkan Art Fashion Event – BAFE. Za razliku od prošlih izložbi, ovog puta će biti otvoren ulaz za sve posetioce. Biće to zabavno, modno-italijansko veče uz razna iznenađenja. Dobrodošli. Izložba je rađena u saradnji sa “Academia Del Lusso” u […]
Sanel Hadžić ljubav prema novinarstvu i modi

Sanel Hadžić nedavno je pokrenuo SNL portal koji pruža modno & lifestyle zadovoljstvo. Sanele, recite nam nesto više o sebi i na kojim projektima trenutno radite? Imam 35 godina i od toga sam 17 godina u poslu novinarstva. Od radnog iskustva me najviše privlači televizijsko, a volim pisati pa sam tako i nagrađivani scenarista. Nakon […]