Editorial – Steel My harT by Theresa Harnois

Editorial – Steel My harT by Theresa Harnois Editorial – Steel My harT Models: Jay Jordan and Alexandra Gooding Jewelry: Theresa Harnois (harT Designs) Makeup: Luisa Monarrez Photography: Juan Loza (Loza Photography) Fashion Stylist: Candace Carter About Theresa Harnois Theresa Harnois is a Scottsdale jewellery artist who is the founder and creative force behind harT […]

NIKKI torba oličenje svega što volite Trendy, Smart i funkcionalna, torba koju ćete nositi tokom celog dana, od jutra do večeri, za posao ali i specijalne večernje prilike. Ova fantastična tote torba dostupna je u nekoliko boja, printova ali i materijala. Akvarel cvetni print daje posebnu dozu glamura i sofisticiranosti. Glossy patent i zavodljivi grafiti […]